Row, Sanjiva

Commentary on Law Relating to Contract Act, 1872 and Tenders (Act no. IX of 1872) : Special Emphasis on Law of Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment, Agency, and Tenders Alongwith Definition of Commonly used Terms in Tenders, Judicial Interpretation of Terms used in Surveys, Valuation etc., Arbitration Agreement and Model Forms on Various Important Agreements and Relevant Extracts of Certain Allied Acts (Vol.3) by Sanjiva Row ; revised by Devinder Gupta. - 11th ed. - Delhi : Delhi Law House, 2013. - 2137-3308 p.

Table of Contents:
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
Chapter 9. Of bailment
Chapter 10. Agency
Chapter 11. Of Partnership
Part 2
Chapter 1. Invitation of Tender, its Acceptance and Formation of Contract
Chapter 2. Definition of Commonly Used Terms in Tenders and Contracts and Application of Terms
Chapter 3. Meaning of Judicial Interpretation of Various terms and Expression used in Surveys, Valuations, Appraising in contract, Supervision, Sub-letting,etc.
Chapter 4. Employees Approval, Architect Certificate, Form of Whether Necessary-if so,Whether Binding Effect of Land Collusion in Certificate and other Connected Matters
Chapter 5. Contractor,s surety, Alteration in Contract, Extension of Work or Time, Premature Payment, Mental Disorders, etc.
Chapter 6. default of the Parties Excuses for Non-performance, Repudiation and Forfeiture, Delay, Strikes, Fraud and Errors,Refusal and Other Miscellaneous Problems
Chapter 7. Bankruptcy and Death Position of Sub-Contractors and Assignments
Chapter 8. Arbitration Agreements
Chapter 9. Model Forms
Allied Acts


Law of Contract.

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