Getzler, J. (Ed.)

Company charges : spectrum and beyond edited by Joshua Getzler and Jennifer Payne. - Oxford : OUP, 2013. - 297 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Fictions and floating charges : some reflections on the House of Lords' decision in Spectrum
Chapter 2. The case for the abolition of the floating charge
Chapter 3. Floating charges : the use and abuse of doctrinal analysis
Chapter 4. The characterization of fixed and floating charges
Chapter 5. Spectrum : an end to the conflict or the signal for a new campaign?
Chapter 5. A review of Brumark and Spectrum in an international setting
Chapter 6. Security after the Enterprise Act
Chapter 7. The debenture holder's liability in unjust enrichment after Spectrum
Chapter 8. Should we redistribute in insolvency?
Chapter 9. The role of security over future and circulating capital : evidence from the British economy circa 1850-1920
Chapter 10. The economics of English insolvency : some recent developments
Chapter 11. The Law Commission's proposals for the reform of corporate security interests



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