Companies act 2013 (Vol. 2)
by Taxmann.
- New Delhi : Taxmann Publications Ltd., 2013.
- Page varies.
Table of contents: Comparative table showing provisions of companies Act 1956 & vice versa Chapter 1. Companies Act, 2013 Chapter 2. A section-wise comparative study analysing differences between provisions of companies Act 2013 & companies Act 1956 Chapter 3. A subject-wise comparative study analysing differences between provisions of companies Act 2013 & companies Act 1956 Chapter 4. Company law practice manual Chapter 5. Landmark Indian & foreign rulings (1913-2013) Chapter 6. Circulars & clarifications relevant under companies Act, 2013 Chapter 7. Other corporate laws Chapter 8. Listing agreement Chapter 9. SEBI (issue of capital and discloser requirements) regulations, 2009 Chapter 10. SEBI rules & regulations Book consists of three volumes.