Rainey, S.

Law of tug and tow and offshore contracts by S. Rainey. - 3rd ed. - London : Informa, 2011. - 823 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The Contract of Towage
Chapter 2. The Implied Obligations of Tug and Tow
Chapter 3. Standard Form Contracts: (I) The UK Standard Conditions for Towage and Other Services
Chapter 4. Standard Form Contracts: (II) The BIMCO Forms “TOWCON 2008” and “TOWHIRE 2008”
Chapter 5. Standard Form Contracts: (III) The BIMCO “SUPPLYTIME 2005” Form
Chapter 6. Standard Form Contracts: (IV) The BIMCO ‘‘HEAVYCON 2007’’; HEAVYLIFTVOY’’ and ‘‘PROJECTCON” Forms
Chapter 7. Towage and Salvage
Chapter 8. The ISU Standard Form Contracts for the Provision of Tugs to Salvors for Use in Salvage: “SALVCON 2005” and “SALVHIRE 2005:
Chapter 9. The BIMCO/ISU Standard Form Contracts for Wreck Removal and Marine Services: ‘‘WRECKHIRE 2010’’, ‘‘WRECKSTAGE 2010’’ and ‘‘WRECKFIXED 2010’’
Chapter 10. Collisions involving Tug and Tow
Chapter 11. Towage and Limitation of Liability
Chapter 12. Tug and Tow and General Average
Chapter 13. Admiralty Jurisdiction


Maritime Law.

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