Law and medical ethics
by J. K. Mason, G.T. Laurie and Alexander McCall Smith.
- 9th ed.
- Oxford : O.U.P, 2013.
- 724 p.
Table of contents: Chapter 1. Medical ethics and medical practice Chapter 2. Public health and the state-patient relationship Chapter 3. Health rights and obligations in the European Union Chapter 4. Consent to treatment Chapter 5. Liability for medical injury Chapter 6. Medical confidentiality Chapter 7. Genetic information and the law Chapter 8. The management of infertility and childlessness Chapter 9. The control of fertility Chapter 10. Civil and criminal liability in reproductive medicine Chapter 11. Health resources and dilemmas in treatment Chapter 12. Treatment of the aged Chapter 13. Mental health and human rights Chapter 14. The body as property Chapter 15. Medical futility Chapter 16. The diagnosis of death Chapter 17. The donation of organs and transplantation Chapter 18. Euthanasia and assistance in dying Chapter 19. Biomedical human research and experimentation Chapter 20. Research on children, fetuses and embryos