Strowel, Alain (Ed.)

Peer to Peer File Sharing and Secondary Liability in Copyright Law edited by Alain Strowel. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. - 322 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Liability of users and third parties for copyright infringements on the Internet : overview of international developments
Chapter 2. Legal issues in peer-to-peer file sharing, focusing on the making available right
Chapter 3. Secondary liability for copyright infringement with regard to hyperlinks
Chapter 4. Copyright control v. compensation : the prospects for exclusive rights after Grokster and Kazaa
Chapter 5. Global networks and domestic laws : some private international law issues arising from Australian and US liability theories
Chapter 6. A bipolar copyright system for the digital network environment
Chapter 7. Sharing out on line liability : sharing files, sharing risks and targeting ISPs
Chapter 8. A reverse notice and take down regime to enable public interest uses of technically protected copyrighted works



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