Carter, L. (Ed)

International criminal procedure edited by L. Carter and Fausto Pocar. - Cheltenhan : Edward Elgar, 2013. - 800 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The challenge of shaping procedures in international criminal courts / Fausto Pocar and Linda Carter
Chapter 2.Plea bargaining / Jenia Iontcheva Turner
Chapter 3. Witness proofing / Hannah Garry
Chapter 4. Written and oral evidence / Guido Acquaviva
Chapter 5. Self-representation and the use of assigned, standby and amicus counsel / Charles Chernor Jalloh
Chapter 6. The role of victims / Sigall Horovitz
Chapter 7. Right to appeal / Magali Maystre.


International Law.
Criminal Procedure.

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