Dutfield, Graham

Intellectual Property Rights and the Life Science Industries : A Twentieth Century History by Graham Dutfield. - England : Ashgate Pub., 2003. - 288 p.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Intellectual property in the global economy: high stakes and propaganda warfare
Chapter 3. Intellectual property and regulation theory
Chapter 4. The emergence of modern patent law
Chapter 5. Organic chemistry and the synthetic dyestuff industry
Chapter 6. The pharmaceutical industry
Chapter 7. Biotechnology, genomics and the new life science corporations
Chapter 8. Plant breeding, the seed industry and plant breeders' right
Chapter 9. Towards a global IP regime: trade and diplomacy
Chapter 10. Forums of resistance?
Chapter 11. Epilogue: the life science industries in a patent-free world


Intellectual Property Rights.
Biotechnology Industries--Law and Legislation.

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