Sykes, Alan O.

WTO agreement on safeguards : a commentary by Alan O. Sykes. - Oxford : O.U.P, 2006. - 357 p. - (Oxford commentaries on the GATT/WTO agreements) .

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. The evolution of safeguard measures in the WTO/GATT system : an overview
Chapter 2. Economic policy considerations
Chapter 3. Preliminary issues in WTO safeguards disputes : burden of proof, standard of review, and the "record"
Chapter 4. Procedural obligations in the agreement on safeguards
Chapter 5. "Unforeseen developments" and "the effect of the obligations incurred"
Chapter 6. The increased quantities requirement
Chapter 7. Serious injury, threat and industry definition
Chapter 8. The causation requirement and "non-attribution"
Chapter 9. Permissible measures and their duration
Chapter 10. Compensation, retaliation and the prohibition of grey-area measures.


Trade Law.

343.087 / SYK/WTO