Trademark dilution :
Rao, A. V. Narsimha (Ed.)
Trademark dilution : applications and implications edited by A. V. Narsimha Rao. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2008. - 226 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Why We are Confused about the Trademark Dilution Law
Chapter 2. Dilution Revisited: A First Look at the Trademark Dilution Revision Act
Chapter 3. A Skeptical View of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act
Chapter 4. Trademark Dilution Search Costs,and Naked Licensing
Chapter 5. The Impact of the Moseley Decision on Trademark
Chapter 6. The Trademark Use Requirement in Dilution Cases
Chapter 7. The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005: Breathing Life Back into Federal Dilution Stature
Chapter 8. A Defense of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006
Chapter 9. Trademark Dilution in Japan
List of Cases
Tradmark Dilution.
346.0488 / RAO/TRA
Trademark dilution : applications and implications edited by A. V. Narsimha Rao. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2008. - 226 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Why We are Confused about the Trademark Dilution Law
Chapter 2. Dilution Revisited: A First Look at the Trademark Dilution Revision Act
Chapter 3. A Skeptical View of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act
Chapter 4. Trademark Dilution Search Costs,and Naked Licensing
Chapter 5. The Impact of the Moseley Decision on Trademark
Chapter 6. The Trademark Use Requirement in Dilution Cases
Chapter 7. The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005: Breathing Life Back into Federal Dilution Stature
Chapter 8. A Defense of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006
Chapter 9. Trademark Dilution in Japan
List of Cases
Tradmark Dilution.
346.0488 / RAO/TRA