Rivers, dams and development :
Ranade, Prabha Shastri (Ed.)
Rivers, dams and development : issues and dilemmas edited by Prabha Shastri Ranade. - 1st ed. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2007. - 225 p.
Table of Contents:
Section 1. Rivers and Dams : An Overview
Section 2. Key Issues
Section 3. Country Experiences
Water Supply Services.
363.610954 / RAN/RIV
Rivers, dams and development : issues and dilemmas edited by Prabha Shastri Ranade. - 1st ed. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2007. - 225 p.
Table of Contents:
Section 1. Rivers and Dams : An Overview
Section 2. Key Issues
Section 3. Country Experiences
Water Supply Services.
363.610954 / RAN/RIV