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Eminent Domain :

Bhavani, M. N. (Ed.)

Eminent Domain : Use or Abuse? by M. N. Bhavani. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2008. - 216 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Eminent domain for private sports stadiums: Fair ball or foul?
Chapter 2. "Poor relation" once more: The Supreme Court and the vanishing rights of property owners
Chapter 3. Using eminent domain powers to acquire private lands for protected area wildlife conservation: A survey under Kenyan law
Chapter 4. Public uses and non-uses: Sinister schemes, improper motives and bad faith in eminent domain law
Chapter 5. Private property rights and public use restoring constitutional distinctions
Chapter 6. A false sense of security: The potential for eminent domain abuse in Washington
Chapter 7. Is post-kelo eminent domain reform bad for the poor?
Chapter 8. Towards reform of land acquisition framework in India


Property Law.

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