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Law and justice in literature, film and theater : nordic perspectives

Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe (Ed.)

Law and justice in literature, film and theater : nordic perspectives edited by Karen-Margrethe Simonsen. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013. - 169 p.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1: Karen- margrethe simonsen
Chapter 2: Crossing borders
Chapter 3: Law and literature in a nordic legal perspective
Chapter 4: Nordic sameness and difference
Chapter 5: "With laws shall our land be built up''
Chapter 6: The law in the sagas-ideal and failure
Chapter 7: Two conceptions of justice in the kalevala: a nietzschean reading
Chapter 8: From natural law to the nature of laws: ludvig holberg
Chapter 9: The confession of a judge
Chapter 10: On narratives : henrik ibsen's a doll's house and trygave allister diesen's hold my heart
Chapter 11: The subject of the law
Chapter 12: From 'law and literature' to law and humanities' : transatlantic dialogues on flim-the case of lars von trier
List of contributors


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