Frantz Fanon :
Manoharan, Karthick Ram
Frantz Fanon : identify and resistance by Karthick Ram Manoharan. - Hyderabad : Orient Black Swan, 2019. - 118 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Reading Fanon Today
Chapter 2. From Particular to Universal: The Contours of Fanon’s Revolutionary Humanism
Chapter 3. Limits of Blackness: Fanon Contra Negritude
Chapter 4. Anti-Casteist Casteism? A Fanonist Study of Anti-Caste Politics
Chapter 5. Expansive Identity and the Ethics of Resistance: The poetics of the Kurdish Movement
Glossary of Select Terms
Further Reading
Politics and Government.
325 / MAN/FRA
Frantz Fanon : identify and resistance by Karthick Ram Manoharan. - Hyderabad : Orient Black Swan, 2019. - 118 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Reading Fanon Today
Chapter 2. From Particular to Universal: The Contours of Fanon’s Revolutionary Humanism
Chapter 3. Limits of Blackness: Fanon Contra Negritude
Chapter 4. Anti-Casteist Casteism? A Fanonist Study of Anti-Caste Politics
Chapter 5. Expansive Identity and the Ethics of Resistance: The poetics of the Kurdish Movement
Glossary of Select Terms
Further Reading
Politics and Government.
325 / MAN/FRA