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Why zebras don't get ulcers

Sapolsky, Robert M.

Why zebras don't get ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky. - 3rd ed. - New York : St. Martin's Griffin, 2004. - 539 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Why don’t Zebra’s get Ulcers
Chapter 2. Glands, Gooseflesh, and Hormones
Chapter 3. Stroke, Heark Attacks and Voodoo Death
Chapter 4. Stress, Metabolism, and Liquidating Your Assets
Chapter 5. Ulcers, the Runs, and Hot Fudge Sundaes
Chapter 6. Dwarfism and the importance of Mothers
Chapter 7. Sex and Reproduction
Chapter 8. Immunity, Stress, and Disease
Chapter 9. Stress and Pain
Chapter 10. Stress and Memory
Chapter 11. Stress and a Good Night’s Sleep
Chapter 12. Aging and Death
Chapter 13. Why is Psychological Stress Stressful?
Chapter 14. Stress and Depression
Chapter 15. Personality, Temperament, and Their Stress–Related Consequences
Chapter 16. Junkies, Adrenaline Junkies , and Pleasure
Chapter 17. The View from the Bottom
Chapter 18. Managing Stress
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Stress Management.

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