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Developing countries and the multilateral trade regime :

Alessandrini, Donatella

Developing countries and the multilateral trade regime : the failure and promise of the WTO's development mission by Donatella Alessandrini. - UK : Hart Pub., 2011. - 261 p. - (Studies in international law - Vol. 11) .

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction -the Failure and the Promise of the Multilateral Trading Regime
Chapter 2. The Bretton Woods Conference: Trade and the 'Civilising Mission' in the Postwar International Trading Regime
Chapter 3. The 'Science of Development' and the GATT Norm
Chapter 4. The Neo-Liberal Transformation of Development Thinking and the Renewed Mission of the Multilateral Trading Regime
Chapter 5. The Uruguay Round and the Construction of the New Consensus
Chapter 6. The World Trade Organisation: The Power of Transnational Capital and the Reduction of Domestic Regulatory Space
Chapter 7. Of Failures and Promises: The Many Lives of the Doha Development Round
Chapter 8. Conclusions The Development Mission of the WTO


International Trade.
Foreign trade regulation.

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