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Wages of Impunity :

Kannabiran, K. G.

Wages of Impunity : Power, Justice and Human Rights by K. G. Kannabiran. - New Delhi : Orient Longman, 2004. - 372 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The saga of impunity
Chapter 2. Justice must be seen to be done
Chapter 3. Colonial baggage
Chapter 4. Personal liberty after independence
Chapter 5. Progressive decay of democratic institutions
Chapter 6. The state as terrorist
Chapter 7. TADA: more repressive than Rowlatt
Chapter 8. Crime and punishment
Chapter 9. The weird jurisprudence of a dead act
Chapter 10. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958
Chapter 11. A lament for the Constitution
Chapter 12. Why a Human Rights Commission?
Chapter 13. Granting the freedom to misuse freedom: secularism and minority rights
Chapter 14. Sanjay Dutt in the first person
Chapter 15. Can anti-secular parties govern?
Chapter 16. Narendra Modi's Hinduvta laboratory
Chapter 17. Scheduled castes: who's afraid of the law?
Chapter 18. Mr. President, the game was unequal
Chapter 19. We, the other people
Chapter 20. Competent but uncommitted judges
Chapter 21. What is wrong with judicial activism?
Chapter 22. What shall we do with our judiciary?
Chapter 23. A code of conduct for judges
Chapter 24. On the selection of judges: an open letter to the Chief Justice of India
Chapter 25. Collective action: the Andhra Pradesh lawyer's strike
Chapter 26. Governors and politics
Chapter 27. Privilege and obligation
Chapter 28. Political justice through concerted protest
Chapter 29. Defining right as wrong: reflections on associational freedoms and free speech
Chapter 30. Coca-cola and the Peoples' War Group
Chapter 31. Veerappan and the rule of law
Chapter 32. The Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee
Chapter 33. Koyyuru: reflections on a kidnap
Chapter 34. In the first person
List of Cases
List of Statutes
Select Bibliography


Human Rights.

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