Group and health insurance (Vol. 2)
Seethapathi, K (Ed.)
Group and health insurance (Vol. 2) edited by K Seethapathi; GRK Murthy and U Jawaharlal. - India: ICFAI, 2002. - 177 p. - (Insurance series). .
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Product design, development and evaluation
Chapter 2. Risk assessment, underwriting and premium setting
Chapter 3. Social security
Chapter 4. Reinsurance
Insurance service.
368.32 / SEE/GRO
Group and health insurance (Vol. 2) edited by K Seethapathi; GRK Murthy and U Jawaharlal. - India: ICFAI, 2002. - 177 p. - (Insurance series). .
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Product design, development and evaluation
Chapter 2. Risk assessment, underwriting and premium setting
Chapter 3. Social security
Chapter 4. Reinsurance
Insurance service.
368.32 / SEE/GRO