AIR manual : unrepealed central acts (civil and criminal)
Manohar, B. K.
AIR manual : unrepealed central acts (civil and criminal) - 6th ed. - Nagpur : AIR, 2004.
Central Acts of All India Importance given to this journal , it has been brought up to date both as regards the statutes as well as case laws.
6th Edition [2004]
Available Volumes : 1 - 45
Central Acts- Civil--Criminal Acts.
AIR manual : unrepealed central acts (civil and criminal) - 6th ed. - Nagpur : AIR, 2004.
Central Acts of All India Importance given to this journal , it has been brought up to date both as regards the statutes as well as case laws.
6th Edition [2004]
Available Volumes : 1 - 45
Central Acts- Civil--Criminal Acts.