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Discourse and practice in international commercial arbitration :

Bhatia, Vijay K. (Ed.)

Discourse and practice in international commercial arbitration : issues, challenges and prospects edited by Vijay K. Bhatia. - UK : Ashgate Publishing, 2012. - 322 p.

Table of Contents:
Part 1. Issues and Challenges.
Chapter 1. International Commercial Arbitration Practice: a Discourse-Based Perspective.
Part 2. Analyses and Evidence.
Chapter 2. Addressing International Arbitration's Ambivalence: Hard lessons from Australia.
Chapter 3. System of Genres in International Commercial Arbitration.
Chapter 4. Evidence, Oral Testimony, and Cross-Interrogatory in International Arbitration.
Chapter 5. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong: Legal and Political Challenges.
Chapter 6. Language and Power in Arbitration Proceedings: Insights into Theory and Practice.
Chapter 7. Appraisal Analysis of Dissenting and Concurring Opinions.
Chapter 8. The Judicialization of Arbitration Discourse in the Italian context.
Chapter 9. Arbitration Awards as Accounts.
Chapter 10. Cultural Variation in Arbitration Journals: The International Court of Arbitration Bulletin and Arbitration International Compared.
Chapter 11. Voices in Arbitration Awards: Polyphony and Language Reports.
Chapter 12. A Comparison between American and Italian online Dispute Resolution System.
Chapter 13. Arbitration in Action: The Display of Arbitrator's Neutrality in Witness Hearings.
Chapter 14. Arbitration in Italy: A Two-headed Janus?
Chapter 15. Is Arbitration being colonized by litigation?
Chapter 16. Confidentially v. Publicity: The Impact of International Arbitration in the Media.
Part 3. Prospects and Conclusions.
Chapter 17. Contested Identities in International Arbitration Practice



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