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Nelson's Law of Injunctions (Vol. 1)


Nelson's Law of Injunctions (Vol. 1) by Nelson. - 7th ed. - Allahabad : Law Publisher's, 2013. - 1045 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The Nature, Purpose and History of Injunctions, Definitions and Preventive Relief
Chapter 2. The Jurisdiction in Injunctions - The Three Essentials - Alternative Jurisdiction
Chapter 3. The Discretion of the Court- The Rule Guiding the Discretion and its Exception - The Discretion of the Courts in India
Chapter 4. Injunctions, temporary or perpetual –perpetual injunctions in general – temporary injunctions when cannot be granted
Chapter 5. Mandatory injunctions; specific relief act, sec. 39; injunctions relating to threatened injuries ; injunctions relating to wrongs other than those connected with contracts and property; defamation and status
Chapter 6. Perpetual injunctions in relating to contracts- a means of specific performances – express negative terms – covenants in restraint of trade- implied negative terms
Chapter 7. Perpetual injunctions in relation to contracts
Chapter 8. Perpetual injunctions in relation to property, trespass; nuisance in general, Nuisance by Air, Noise, use of premises, highways, water, support , waste, easements and light etc
Chapter 9. Injunctions in relation to property-trade-marks and names, patents and designs, copyright, trusts, co-owners etc
Chapter 10. Temporary injunctions – code of civil procedure, 1908-order xxxix, rules 1 to 9



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