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Comparative law a handbook

Orucu, E. (Ed.)

Comparative law a handbook edited by Esin Örücü and David Nelken. - Oxford Hart 2007 - 469 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Comparative law and comparative legal studies
Chapter 2. Developing comparative law
Chapter 3. Globalisation and comparative law
Chapter 4. Defining and using the concept of legal culture
Chapter 5. Is it so bad to be different? Comparative law and the appreciation of diversity
Chapter 6. The economic approach: competition between legal systems
Chapter 7. A general view of 'legal families' and of 'mixing systems'
Chapter 8. Beyond Europe
Chapter 9. Convergence of private law in Europe: towards a new ius commune?
Chapter 10. Comparative family law: moving with the times?
Chapter 11. Comparative commercial law: rules or context?
Chapter 12. Administrative law in a comparative perspective
Chapter 13. Comparative law in constitutional contexts
Chapter 14. Comparative law for international criminal justice
Chapter 15. Judicial comparativism and human rights
Chapter 16. Comparative private law in practice: the process of law reform
Chapter 17. Comparative law in practice: the courts and the legislator
Chapter 18. A project: comparative law in action


Comparative law.

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