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Limits of transnational law :

Goodwin-Gill, Guy S.

Limits of transnational law : refugee law, policy harmonization and judicial dialogue in the European union by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill. - Cambridge : CUP, 2010. - 261 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Transnational law, judges and refugees in the european union / Hélène Lambert
Chapter 2. Where is the reference? On the limited role of transnational dialogue in Belgian refugee law / Jean-Yves Carlier and Dirk Vanheule
Chapter 3. Transnational refugee law in the French courts: deliberate or compelled change in judicial attitudes? / Hélène Lambert and Janine Silga
Chapter 4. The use of foreign asylum jurisprudence in the German administrative courts / Paul Tiedmann --
Chapter 5. The solipsistic legal monologue of Italian authorities / Francesco Messineo
Chapter 6. 'Thou shalt not judge' ... Spanish judicial decision-making in asylum and the role of judges in interpreting the law / María-Teresa Gil-Bazo
Chapter 7. The British judiciary and the search for reciprocal relations with its continental partners / Hélène Lambert, with the assistance of Raza Husain
Chapter 8. Speaking across borders : the limits and potential transnational dialogue on refugee law in Ireland / Siobhán Mullally
Chapter 9. The absence of foreign law in Danish asylum decisions: quasi-judicial monologue with domestic policy focus? / Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Chapter 10. Foreign law in Swedish judicial decision-making: playing a limited role in refugee law cases / Rebecca Stern
Chapter 11. The search for the one, true meaning ... / Guy S. Goodwin-Gill.


Refugee Law.

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