Judges of the supreme court of india 1950-1989
Gadbois, George H
Judges of the supreme court of india 1950-1989 by George H. Gadbois. - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 412 p. - (Law in India series) .
Table of contents:
Part 1: Eighteen courts and ninety-three judges
Part 2: A collective portrait
Law of courts
347.54014 / GAD/JUD
Judges of the supreme court of india 1950-1989 by George H. Gadbois. - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 412 p. - (Law in India series) .
Table of contents:
Part 1: Eighteen courts and ninety-three judges
Part 2: A collective portrait
Law of courts
347.54014 / GAD/JUD