Constitational autonomy :
Wadhwa, K.K
Constitational autonomy : A case study of J & K by K.K Wadhwa. - New Delhi : Bharat law house, 2001. - 224 p.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Historical background (roots of article 370)
Chapter 3. Special status states (Arts. 370 -371)
Chapter 4. The state constitution
Chapter 5. The exercise of autonomy
Chapter 6. An appraisal
Chapter 1. Anandapur resolution of the Akali dal
Chapter 2. Punjab panel suggestions
Chapter 3. West bengal memorandum (on center- state relations)
Chapter 4. Sarkaria report (summary on center-state relations)
Chapter 5. Jammu and Kashmir:Autonomy report (summary)
Chapter 6. Excerpts from a live chat with Mr. omar abdullah ) minister of state
Chapter 7. The constitution review commission (terms of reference)
Chapter 1. Main provision of the Indian provision Act, 1947
Chapter 2. The resolution of the united Nations security council
Chapter 3. Text of article 370
Chapter 4. Text of article 371 to 371-I
Chapter 5. The exceptions and modification subject to which the constitution of India applies to the state of Jammu and Kashmir
Constitutional law.
342.54602 / WAD/CON
Constitational autonomy : A case study of J & K by K.K Wadhwa. - New Delhi : Bharat law house, 2001. - 224 p.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Historical background (roots of article 370)
Chapter 3. Special status states (Arts. 370 -371)
Chapter 4. The state constitution
Chapter 5. The exercise of autonomy
Chapter 6. An appraisal
Chapter 1. Anandapur resolution of the Akali dal
Chapter 2. Punjab panel suggestions
Chapter 3. West bengal memorandum (on center- state relations)
Chapter 4. Sarkaria report (summary on center-state relations)
Chapter 5. Jammu and Kashmir:Autonomy report (summary)
Chapter 6. Excerpts from a live chat with Mr. omar abdullah ) minister of state
Chapter 7. The constitution review commission (terms of reference)
Chapter 1. Main provision of the Indian provision Act, 1947
Chapter 2. The resolution of the united Nations security council
Chapter 3. Text of article 370
Chapter 4. Text of article 371 to 371-I
Chapter 5. The exceptions and modification subject to which the constitution of India applies to the state of Jammu and Kashmir
Constitutional law.
342.54602 / WAD/CON