Mulla the key to indian practice : a summary of the code of civil procedure
Mulla, Dinshah Fardunji
Mulla the key to indian practice : a summary of the code of civil procedure by Dinshah Fardunji Mulla. - 10th ed. - Nagpur : Lexis Nexis, 2012. - 271 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introductory
Chapter 2. The courts and their jurisdiction
Chapter 3. The four essentials of suits
Chapter 4. Place of suing
Chapter 5. Parties and cause of action
Chapter 6. Steps in a suit
Chapter 7. Documents and witness
Chapter 8. Hearing and disposal
Chapter 9. Execution of decrees
Chapter 10. Appeals from original decrees
Chapter 11. Appeals from Appellate decrees or second Appeals
Chapter 12. References, Revision and review
Chapter 13. Supplement and special proceedings
Chapter 14. Suits in particular cases
Chapter 15. Alternative disputes redressal mechanisms
Civil Procedure.
347.05 / MUL/MUL
Mulla the key to indian practice : a summary of the code of civil procedure by Dinshah Fardunji Mulla. - 10th ed. - Nagpur : Lexis Nexis, 2012. - 271 p.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introductory
Chapter 2. The courts and their jurisdiction
Chapter 3. The four essentials of suits
Chapter 4. Place of suing
Chapter 5. Parties and cause of action
Chapter 6. Steps in a suit
Chapter 7. Documents and witness
Chapter 8. Hearing and disposal
Chapter 9. Execution of decrees
Chapter 10. Appeals from original decrees
Chapter 11. Appeals from Appellate decrees or second Appeals
Chapter 12. References, Revision and review
Chapter 13. Supplement and special proceedings
Chapter 14. Suits in particular cases
Chapter 15. Alternative disputes redressal mechanisms
Civil Procedure.
347.05 / MUL/MUL