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Mulla the code of civil procedure (Vol. 3)

Mulla, Dinshah Fardunji

Mulla the code of civil procedure (Vol. 3) by Dinshah Fardunji Mulla. - 18th ed. - Nagpur : Lexis Nexis, 2011. - pages varies.

Table of contents:
Order 23. Withdrawal and adjustment of suits
Order 24. Payment into court
Order 25. Security for costs
Order 26. Commissions
Order 27. Suits by or against the government or public officers in their official capacity
Order 27A. Suits involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of [the constitution][or as to the validity of any statutory instrument]
Order 28. Suits by or against military [or Naval] Men [or Airmen]
Order 29. Suits by or against corporations
Order 30. Suits by or against firms and persons carrying on business in names other than their own
Order 31. Suits by or against trustees, executors and administrators
Order 32. Suits by or against minors and persons of unsound mind
Order 32A. Suits relating to matters concerning the family
Order 33. Suits by Indigent persons
Order 34. Suits relating to mortgages of immovable property
Order 35. Interpleader
Order 36. Special case
Order 37. Summary procedure
Order 38. Arrest and attachment before judgement
Order 39. Temporary injunctions and interlocutory orders
Order 40. Appointment of receivers
Order 41. Appeals from original decrees
Order 42. Appeals from appellate decrees
Order 43. Appeals from orders
Order 44. Appeals by Indigent persons
Order 45. Appeals to the Supreme Court
Order 46. References
Order 47. Review
Order 48. Miscellaneous
Order 49. Chartered High Courts
Order 50 Provincial small cause courts
Order 51. Presidency small cause courts


Civil procedure.

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